목포근대역사관 바로 근처에 있는 카페입니다.

It is a cafe right near the Mokpo Modern History Museum.

카페 외부도 분위기가 좋았어요. 사진은 없지만요.

The outside of the cafe was also good. I don't have any pictures.


2층이었나, 3층이었나. 저희는 1층에서 커피를 마셨습니다.

It has second floor or the third floor. We had coffee on the first floor.

분위기가 조용하고 좋은데, 사람이 적어서 더 좋았습니다.


The atmosphere was quiet and nice, it was better because there were fewer people.


서울이었다면 자리 잡기조차 힘들었을 거에요.

If it was in Seoul, it would have been hard to even get a seat.

이 날 눈이 정말 많이 와서 고생했는데, 대신 이런 예쁜 풍경도 볼수 있었습니다.

We had a hard time because it snowed so much on this day, but instead, We could see such a pretty scenery.


조금 높은 곳에 위치해 있어서 다른 집들을 내려다 보는 느낌이에요.

It's located a little high up, so it feels like I'm looking down at other houses.


잠깐씩 이렇게 눈이 그쳤을 때 찍은 사진이에요. 가을에 또 보고 싶은 풍경입니다.

I took this picture when the snow stopped. It's a scenery I want to see again in autumn.

밤치즈케이크와 함께 커피를 마셨어요. 밤치즈케이크가 맛 있었습니다.


I had coffee with chestnut cheesecake. The chestnut cheesecake was delicious.



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